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Redblock Shower Niche Shelf Install Guide

This is the official installation guide for the Redblock rb3 Shower Niche Shelf.

Shower Niche Shelf Install Video


rb3 Niche Shelf Installation Instructions

Redblock Stainless Steel Care & Cleaning Guide (PDF)

Additional Installation Notes

  • If your shower niche tiles have 1/16″ grout lines, you will need to make room for the four installation legs by cutting a 1/16″ deep notch (approx) in the the tile above each of the four installation legs.
  • The standard installation of the rb3 shower niche shelf is with the wash cloth hanger (long slot) facing front and the rb3 logo facing upwards, but you can also install it with the logo facing down and/or washcloth hanger at the back.
  • Since the rb3 shower niche shelf rests on the top of the tiles you install on each side of your shower niche (within the grout lines), the tops of these tiles must be level if you want your shelf to be level.
  • Please do not mount the shelf so that it comes into contact with other metal finishing surfaces such as metal tile edging. This could cause a galvanic reaction.